he inspiration to paint the series of paintings "Light Years" came from poems of the Danish poet Henrik Nordbrandt. "Light Years" was presented as individual exhibitions in Poland (the City Gallery and Gallery M Guardhouse in Wroclaw; Castle Gallery in Lubin; at the Danish Institute of Culture in Warsaw; and in Denmark at Galerie Bram and the Art Herning art fair. They were also presented at the Scandinavian culture festival "Nordalia". Exhibitions of this series were carried out in collaboration with the Danish Cultural Institute.
Painting inspired by the poem "Lysår", oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Lysår", oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Flodens hemmelighed", oil on canvas 10 x 130 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Drøm om fortvivlelse", oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Drøm om fortvivlelse", oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2010
Painting inspired by the poem "Jeg taler om dig", oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm (consisted of nine canvases 40 x 40 cm ), 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "fordi det er blåt", oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Majmorgen", oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Flodens hemmelighed", oil on canvas 100 x 195 cm (triptych), 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Forestil dig nu", oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "På bredden af en tør bæk", oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Guldsmede", oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm (diptych), 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Aftensol", oil on canvas 110 x 130 cm, 2009
Painting inspired by the poem "Et liv", oil on canvas, triptych 60 x 50 cm